Thursday, December 4, 2008


It's me again- hopeless, lovestuck me. Well, my friends have ultimately decided to try and destroy my happiness, I suppose. Everytime I hang around them, they make cracks about my boyfriend- about her ex boyfriend. That he is a whore and in so many words unspoken that he doesn't like me. And get this... they are trying to tell me I don't like him.
Whenever I am around him, I am very happy, but other than that, they make every other minute miserable. What kind of friends are those that you don't want to hang around? That's just really sad.
I don't want to give him up, because I want to enjoy this while it lasts, because we all know relationships end. But c'mon here, people, this isn't One Tree Hill, lets not make a big deal out of it.
Rumors flood my school about the two of us and everyone wants to know if we are dating. Just for the record people- yes, we are.
Trust seems to be a big issue among everyone, my friends have turned two-faced. Funny have fast the alligance runs when feelings get hardwired.
Oh, here is a little snippet from my myspace blog concerning these same issues: I will not argue with them because they will never believe with their blind eyes and biased thoughts. Selfish, you laugh snidely. Stupid, you kid meaningfully. It will end, you taunt. Whore, you accuse. Of course you're my friends, though. Right? Of course.
So go ahead, try and shatter me, try to get in our heads, try and break us down. But guess what? They can all sit there and watch as we laugh together, stare at our intertwined hands and glare our way, jealousy painted on their green fingers.
love is blind
Some say he's a whore.
I guess I'm just blinded by his light. <3

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