Monday, November 24, 2008

Dead End December

Choices make up peoples lives. Every choice always hurts someone. If I take a chance, I hurt a friend, if I drop the chance, I hurt the both of us.
I feel like I'm just beginning, like this happiness will never end. When is the last time I've had so much fun in this God-forsaken place? Well, it's been a while. And finally, I've found some kind of inspiration. I want to go for it so bad. I say I shouldn't, and I know it's wrong, but haven't I already subconsciously made up my mind?
I think so.
I feel like I'm just beginning, but I'm afraid I'm at a dead end I can't see.

dead end

Warn your warmth to turn away.
Here it's december every day.
-Love Like Winter, A.F.I.

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