Friday, November 28, 2008

dream big.

You know what? You make me smile like no one else can. No lie. You make so happy, you have no idea. My heart is filled to the brim with your love. And you are right, every time you touch me, I do breathe different, the pattern changes. You tell me when you look at me, my eyes show how much I love you. You're completely right. I can't hide anything from you.
You tell me you love me over again. You said you can say it a thousand times over. My heart races and I can't pay attention to anything when you're around. But that's okay. You say I move different when you touch me, and you're right. Things just feel so corresponding.
This situation is screwed up, but I know we'll make it through. We figure things out everytime. I know we can do it.
cloudy day
You are the sunshine to my cloudy day.
You are the stars to my sky.
And I'd never have a cloudy day as long as you're around.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dead End December

Choices make up peoples lives. Every choice always hurts someone. If I take a chance, I hurt a friend, if I drop the chance, I hurt the both of us.
I feel like I'm just beginning, like this happiness will never end. When is the last time I've had so much fun in this God-forsaken place? Well, it's been a while. And finally, I've found some kind of inspiration. I want to go for it so bad. I say I shouldn't, and I know it's wrong, but haven't I already subconsciously made up my mind?
I think so.
I feel like I'm just beginning, but I'm afraid I'm at a dead end I can't see.

dead end

Warn your warmth to turn away.
Here it's december every day.
-Love Like Winter, A.F.I.